Monday, November 9, 2009

Daddy had me over His knee and was spanking soooo hard... over and over and over... so hard that i couldn't resist trying to block it... That was a huge mistake... i should have learned by now that trying to block Him only makes Him spank longer and harder... and He did, not stopping until i was crying, apologizing for my behavior and promising to be a good girl in the future....


  1. I got spanked by my daddy for talking back. He spanked me on the bare bottom then made me stand and face him for 10 minutes

  2. Im 18 and spanked me on my bare tushy I came home past my curfew, aren't I to old for a bare tushy spanking, my tookis is sorer

  3. what is a tookis? I think it must be your ass, is that what Jewish parents call their children ass

  4. yes a tookis is the rearend of Jewish teens

  5. When I got spanked my mother called it pouch in the tookis
